"If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me" Mt 16:24

Arrive and settle into accommodation.
4.00pm Welcome and Convening of Holy Synod.
4.30pm Holy Mass.
6.00pm Angelus and Dinner.
Sun/Mon/Tues 21-23 June
8.00am Lauds and Holy Mass.
9.45am Morning Tea.
10.00am Sessions I, IV & VII.
12.00pm Angelus and Luncheon.
1.15pm Sessions II, V & VIII.
3.15pm Afternoon Tea.
3.45pm Session III & VI.
5.45pm Vespers.
6.00pm Angelus and Dinner.
Wed 24 June
8.00am Lauds and Holy Mass.
Silent Retreat.
Thurs 25 June
8.00am Lauds and Holy Mass.
Fri 26 June
8.00am Lauds.
10.30am Holy Mass with the Rite of Priestly Ordination.
Sat 27 June
8.00am Lauds.
10.30am Holy Mass with the Rite of Consecration to the Episcopate.
Sun 28 June
8.00am First Mass (Priests).
10.00am First Mass (Bishops).
Mon 29 June
Preparations and Departures.
(Closer to the time, you will be able to click on the date and see an itinerary of the day)
What is Holy Synod
Holy Synod is the gathering of the leaders and members of the Church from around the world, to talk and discuss with itself the affairs that are pertinent to its universal mission.

When is Holy Synod
His Eminence The Primate has announced that he will convene Holy Synod in Pretoria, South Africa 20-23 June 2026. Holy Synod will discuss when and how often it will meet. The proposed Canons suggest once every six-years.

Who can attend Holy Synod?
Anyone and everyone can attend the sessions. The registration form is available here. However, voting and speaking rights are for the elected officials appointed by their parish and diocese.

Are there other activities besides Holy Synod?
Yes! Holy Synod invites people from all parts of the world because of this a 10-day itinerary has been arranged with other activities. Please contact the Secretary of Holy Synod: rocc.holysynod@protonmail.com